Learning Activity

Wednesday 24 November 2010


             For high achiever students
1.         Teacher explains the topic lesson of the day.
2.         Teacher divides students into a group of four.
3.         In this activity, teacher has to prepare a jug, a small basin containing coloured water, a bowl and styrofoam cups.
4.         Before the students are asked to do the activity, teacher will ask students to guess between a bowl and a styrofoam cup which one has bigger capacity.
5.         The students are instructed to measure the water in the basin using a bowl as a measuring cup and fill it into the the jug.
6.         The students work together as a group and elect one student to record the result in the worksheet.
7.         The students are to repeated the procedure until the jug is full with water.
8.         Next, students are inquired to write down how many bowls of water to fill up the jug until it is full.
9.         Then, the students will repeat the activity by using styrofoam cup as a measuring cup.
10.       In the end of the activity, students are to write how many cups of water it takes to fill
            up the jug.
11.       The students conclude the activity by explaining that the one that has less number to fill up the jug has bigger capacity, and in this activity the bowl has bigger capacity than the styrofoam cup because it has less number to fill up the jug.
It can be seen that in this activity, the students involve deeply with a little help of teacher – just in a way of explaining the procedures. Most of the time, the students do the activity independently. The activity too looks very interesting because the students themselves are finding or discovering the answers by experimenting the activity. Thus, the understanding is well strengthen in their minds. Furthermore, the water can be substituted with any materials to be applied in a real world situation.

Students measure the volume of liquid using a bowl

Students work together
Measuring volume of liquid using styrofoam
The jug is full.......
Record volume in the worksheet

The pictures above shows that the high achiever students are doing the activity.

For low achiever students
1.         In the beginning of this activity, teacher explains the topic lesson of the day.
2.         Teacher instructs students to work in pairs.
3.         Teacher prepares a tumbler and a few bottles of ‘Vitagen’. Then teacher explains the steps and procedures that students should take while doing the activity.
4.         Next, students begin the activity by opening the bottle of ‘Vitagen’ and start to fill up the tumbler.
5.         Each time a bottle of ‘Vitagen’ is poured to fill the tumbler, students will cross out the picture of ‘Vitagen’ in the worksheet.
6.         The students are required to repeat filling up the tumbler until it is full with the bottles of ‘Vitagen’.
7.         In the end of the activity, students will count the number of bottles of ‘Vitagen’ that have been crossed out which are used to fill up the tumbler and to write down in the box provided in the worksheet.
8.         This activity then is repeated but by changing bottles of ‘Vitagen’ with ‘Ice Pop’.
9.         After all the activities have been done, students conclude the activities by explaining that the one which has lesser count number has bigger capacity.
The activity is absolutely suitable for all levels of students because it is student oriented and need highly involvement of the students. The activity requires students to actively take part in the process of finding out and discovering the answer by filling up the tumbler with either ‘Vitagen’ or ‘Ice Pop’. What is important in the activity is the experience that the students get and make them understand how to get the answer while doing the process.

Work in pairs
Crossing out the picture each time they fill
Write the number of volume in the box
Fill up the tumbler

Complete the worksheet
                       The pictures above shows that the low achiever students are doing the activity.